Our first priority is to make it easy, convenient, and affordable for our members to purchase fresh, sustainably grown produce from local farms. In 2020 we launched a subsidy program called Equity Shares, which underwrites half the cost of a Vegetable Share for those who qualify for the discount. Our goal in 2025 is to underwrite 20 vegetable shares (which is 20 percent of the vegetable shares we sell).

Supporting local farms and helping them succeed by paying them a good price for the food they produce is our second priority. Our farmers sell and deliver their harvest directly to us—there is no middleman. That makes us happy because we get to eat the freshest, most nutritious and delicious food, and it makes our farmers happy because they receive a better price for their crops than they would get if they sold them to a supermarket. Preserving local farms and protecting the New York City foodshed is an important part of our mission. 

The third part of our mission is to spread the word throughout our community about eating healthy. CSAs provide an important alternative to supermarkets that sell food grown and harvested in faraway places and under unknowable conditions—food that is often laden with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, waxes, dyes, and growth hormones. Our goal is to raise consumer awareness about sustainable farming practices and the pay and working conditions of the people who grow our food.  

We take pride in our educational programs which offer quick, easy ways to prepare fresh foods. Processed foods are full of salt, sugar, fat, and additives that make them taste “good” but can lead to chronic health problems. The more fresh food we eat, the fewer processed foods we’re likely to consume. Our goal is to encourage fresh, healthy food choices.